Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014, John Seymour
I am proud to say that I currently hold nineteen US patents
and have published over thirty papers. I am sought after
as a public speaker, and have lectured on three
I am the Vice Pres. of Papers for the Technical
Association of the Graphic Arts, and am a member of the
Committee for Graphic Arts Technologies Standards,
and ISO TC 130.
I have over thirty years of experience as an applied
mathematician, finding creative solutions to problems that
lie at the intersection of engineering, physics, computer
science, and math.
I have worked in the printing, medical, and scientific
instrument industries. My work has covered a wide gamut
of disciplines including color science, image processing,
and control systems.
My linkedIn Profile
John has been a great resource to us in our need to understand
complicated mathematical formulas. His patience and ability to take
complicated processes and break them down to their component levels is
one of John's many talents. He definitely went the extra mile to help us. I
highly recommend John as a talented, ethical, and honest resource. It has
been a great pleasure to work with him.
Bruce Bayne, Owner, Alder Technology
John is an awesome problem solver and has a great toolbox of skills to
bring to the research team. Our team was an inter-disciplinary team studying
advanced technology for the printing industry and John brought his math
expertise to every potential solution! First finding any way that worked, but
then (and this is KEY), simplifying the math to fit into a microcontroller
that the product could "afford" was John's biggest contribution to our
success. Working with John was a pleasure!
Gregg Matter, Owner, Simple Innovations
John should have been born near Cambridge or Oxford, in the UK. Brilliant
but different. A mild eccentric. Running on a parallel path. As a fellow
journeyman in color measurement, John made me a convert to his "elastic
tape-measure theory", for any and all laboratory measurements made in the
real world, outside the lab!! CIElabyrinthic.
Alan Reid, Founder, MicronMeasurements
John has an excellent grasp of hands-on color technology. If you need a
solution to a color processing or color control situation, John is the kind of
guy you need, plus he's easy to work with.
Chris Edge, Corporate Research Fellow, Kodak
John has a most clear and thorough vision of where the industry needs to
be with regard to metrology, as well as where it is right now. Most
importantly, he is working towards communicating his knowledge and
helping the industry grasp it.
Dimitri Ploumidis, Color Assurance Engineer, Pacific Southwest Container
I taught remedial algebra as a hobby at UW Milwaukee
for four years, where I quickly became known among the
advisors as the teacher to recommend. I started with the
firm conviction that math-a-phobia is the only thing that
keeps people from mastering math. I still believe this after
300 students.
For the past fifteen years, I have enjoyed teaching
teaching a color theory class at QuadTech.
There is an old joke that people become mathematicians
when they find that they don't have enough personality to
become accountants. I consider myself an exception to
this rule. After teaching at UW Milwaukee, I had a hobby
job as a karaoke host under the name "John the
Revelator". Milwaukee Magazine voted my show the Best
Karaoke of 2010.
Turning data into knowledge